WALBING invites to the Working Capital Business Breakfast in Hamburg

Working capital financing is transforming from an investor-driven to a corporate market, with institutional investors as entirely new sources of capital. At the same time, AI and IoT technologies are enabling new business models that, in turn, disrupt the traditional credit market by providing brand-new technical capacities.

WALBING invites entrepreneurs from the Hamburg metropolitan area to explore these ‘new strategies’ in our Working Capital Business Breakfast series and discuss them with colleagues from other North German companies.

The series kicks off with the topic ‘Marketplace Receivables Financing vs. Traditional Factoring.’ Participation is free. The event will be held in German language.

When? Friday, November 3, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where? WeWork, Gerhofstraße 1-3, 20534 Hamburg (Room – tbc)

Register today and secure a spot in the discussion!
Questions? Contact us.

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Ihre angeforderte Broschüre: “WALBING Cash – Ihre moderne Factoring-Alternative”

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Konditionen von WALBING Cash - die digitale Forderungsfinanzierung von WALBING

Ihre angeforderte Broschüre: “WALBING Cash – Ihre moderne Factoring-Alternative”

Your requested brochure “WALBING Cash – Your Modern Choice over Factoring”

Learn more about WALBING Cash - digital receivable financing by WALBING

Your requested brochure “WALBING Cash – Your Modern Choice over Factoring”

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