WALBING Receives Payment Service License from BaFin

The B2B FinTech company, WALBING, has obtained a Payment Service License from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
The B2B FinTech company, WALBING, has obtained a Payment Service License from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Ihre angeforderte Broschüre: “WALBING Cash – Ihre moderne Factoring-Alternative”
Ihre angeforderte Broschüre: “WALBING Cash – Ihre moderne Factoring-Alternative”
Your requested brochure “WALBING Cash – Your Modern Choice over Factoring”
Your requested brochure “WALBING Cash – Your Modern Choice over Factoring”
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Fill in the form below to learn more about WALBING’s liquidity and payment solutions. Our Customer Success team will be in touch to answer all your questions.
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Füllen Sie das Formular aus, um mehr über WALBINGs Liquiditäts- und Zahlungsprodukte sowie unsere Embedded-Finance-Lösungen zu erfahren. Unser Sales-Team wird sich mit Ihnen umgehend in Verbindung setzen, um alle Ihre Fragen zu beantworten.