Embedded Finance: A Tech Hype or Is It Here to Stay?

B2B Embedded Finance explained

The financial landscape has experienced a dramatic shift in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and evolving consumer demands. One of the most significant developments in the world of finance is Embedded Finance, a concept that has gained immense popularity and is redefining the way financial services are delivered.

A paradigm shift

Embedded Finance, at its core, refers to the integration of financial services into non-financial platforms or products. It blurs the lines between industries and offers a seamless experience for users, enabling them to access financial services within the context of their everyday activities. This paradigm shift has been largely driven by the rise of digitalization which has transformed the ways people interact with financial services.

With the widespread adoption of smartphones and internet connectivity, consumers now expect quick and convenient access to financial products. Embedded Finance capitalizes on this trend by embedding financial services, such as payments, into existing platforms and applications, making them more accessible and user-friendly.

Embedded Finance - countries with the hightest revenuw, 2022

From B2C to B2B

Initially, Embedded Finance solutions gained prominence in the B2C sector. Early use cases were seen in industries like personal transportation and food delivery apps that started offering in-app payment and wallet services. These platforms allowed users to pay for their rides or meals without leaving the app. Additionally, we saw the rise of Buy Now Pay Later options in e-Commerce platforms, allowing customers to make purchases and split payments over time, without interest.

However, the transformative potential of Embedded Finance was soon recognized in the B2B space as well. Many B2B companies faced similar challenges to their B2C counterparts, such as the need for streamlined payment processes and improved cash flow management. This realization led to the expansion of Embedded Finance solutions from B2C to B2B transactions.

As a result, B2B businesses began embracing Embedded Finance to enhance their financial capabilities and optimize their operations. Instead of relying solely on traditional banking services, B2B companies started integrating financial solutions directly into their platforms and workflows. This allowed them to offer more flexible payment options to their customers, optimize working capital, and access additional financial tools without the need for complicated external integrations.

Furthermore, the integration of Embedded Finance in B2B scenarios helped bridge the gap between businesses and financial institutions. What started in B2C quickly set a standard expected by B2B customers – a seamless user experience and on-demand availability of various financial services across all applications.

Embedded Finance market value forecast, 2020 - 2025

The new B2B finance’s ‘normal is embedded

Today, Embedded Finance has moved beyond being a novelty and has become increasingly normalized. Many industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, travel, and even real estate, have embraced the concept. As a result, Embedded Finance has found its way into consumer habits and business life alike.

What makes Embedded Finance so useful is its ability to create a seamless user experience, even in the realm of B2B transactions. Gone are the days of redirecting customers to external financial platforms for essential transactions. Today, businesses can access a plethora of financial services directly from their preferred B2B platforms without any disruptions.

For instance, imagine a B2B e-commerce platform catering to wholesalers and retailers across the globe. In the past, completing a purchase often involved a cumbersome process of navigating to external financial institutions for payment processing, credit checks, and financing options. This not only consumed valuable time but also introduced potential security risks and reduced customer satisfaction.

Thanks to Embedded Finance, this B2B e-commerce platform can now offer its customers a seamless experience. Users can access financial services right within the platform itself, eliminating the need for external redirects. Within the ordering process, businesses can apply for credit lines or utilize instant trade credit to fund their purchases without the hassle of switching between multiple platforms. The platform can also provide integrated solutions for receivable financing. For instance, suppliers can access invoice financing directly within the platform, allowing them to improve their cash flow and reduce the impact of delayed payments. This instant access to financial solutions empowers businesses to make informed decisions promptly, thereby fostering growth and productivity.

Transformative force for your business

The widespread adoption of Embedded Finance is not just a fleeting hype but a transformative force that is here to stay. Its widespread adoption is driven by the increasing demand for seamless and personalized financial services, as well as the potential to address long-standing issues and break barriers in the traditional financial system. By integrating financial services into various non-financial platforms, Embedded Finance offers a win-win situation for consumers, businesses, and financial institutions.

WALBING is at the forefront of the Embedded Finance revolution. Discover our innovative products that work with single API integration, making it easier to embed financial services into your operations:

WALBING Cash Embed provides embedded receivable financing for customers of B2B Marketplaces. By integrating WALBING Cash, B2B Marketplaces can add instant trade credit to their offerings without a need to become a FinTech themselves, therefore, helping their customers enhance cash flow and financial flexibility.

WALBING Pay is a complete embedded payment suite designed for B2B e-Commerce. WALBING Pay Later allows B2B online shops to offer longer payment terms to their customers while boosting their own liquidity with instant trade credit. Receivables are financed by investors, making it easier for businesses to manage their cash flow. WALBING Pay Guard enables B2B online shops to protect their receivables with WALBING’s unique single-invoice-based Trade Credit Insurance that helps reduce the risk of payment default and enhance the overall financial security of the business.

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