Your Gateway to Alternative Assets

Explore new investment opportunities with alternative assets: Access diversified high-quality trade receivables with WALBING Invest.

Alternative asset origination driven by FinTech

Benefit from a direct access to verified trade receivables from reputable sellers on the WALBING Marketplace, our digital platform for receivable financing. With WALBING Invest, private debt funds, banks, and factoring companies can easily expand their portfolios with alternative assets, carefully sourced through WALBING FinTech and Embedded Finance.


Sourced from diverse industries and thoroughly verified, trade receivables provide a low-risk, short-term, stable investment profile.

High legal standards

WALBING is a BaFin-regulated payment service and a licensed collector.  We overfulfil German legal requirements with our contracts and KYC procedures.


Our proprietary financial technology allows investors to cut workload and cost thanks to automated investments with ALFA and automatically generated documents.

Asset sourcing

We source trade receivables through our proprietary FinTech product mix. As an investor on the WALBING Marketplace, you will receive quick and effortless access to:

All receivable sellers are onboarded by WALBING and go through our standard KYC check procedure.

WALBING Cash Embed

WALBING Marketplace for Receivable Financing


WALBING Marketplace for Receivable Financing

Metals/ mining

ALFA – Maximizing Returns, Minimizing Effort

Meet ALFA – our game-changing, fully automated ALgorithmic FActoring bot that takes care of your receivables investment process, unlocking a new level of efficiency, diversification, and profitability.

  • Who is ALFA?

    ALFA stands for ALgorithmic FActoring and is a fully automated bot designed to serve investors at the WALBING Marketplace.

  • What is ALFA for?

    Once set up, ALFA monitors the WALBING Marketplace and makes strategic receivable purchases based on the investor’s criteria.

  • How does ALFA work?

    ALFA makes receivable purchases based on each portfolio’s targets and limits combined with a set of risk mitigation and diversification filters.

    Robust pre-trade security

    Know Your Customer

    As a BaFin-regulated institution, we conduct comprehensive KYC procedures on every supplier and light KYC on their customers (debtors). 

    AML & AFC

    We perform thorough AML/AFC checks, using various databases to prevent, detect, and report money laundering and ensure compliance and security.

    Credit Assessment

    We assess the creditworthiness of all debtors, including external credit scores and payment behaviour, to ensure high-quality receivables.

    Your gateway to

    investment framework

    One-click investments
    Purchase individual invoices or entire portfolios with a single click, or set up ALFA to meet your targets and limits. 
    Automated payments
    We utilize EBICS, virtual IBANs and en escrow account to simplify and automate payments between investors, sellers and debtors.
    Collection services
    As a licensed debt collection agency, we offer a structured pre-court dunning process and can assist with mandating law firms for court procedures.
    Our platform provides customized reports on positions, performance, risk, payment, and overdue status, tailored for each receivable investment or defined portfolio.

    Your gateway to

    investment framework

    One-click investments
    Purchase individual invoices or entire portfolios with a single click, or set up ALFA to meet your targets and limits. 
    Automated payments
    We utilize EBICS, virtual IBANs and en escrow account to simplify and automate payments between investors, sellers and debtors.
    Collection services
    As a licensed debt collection agency, we offer a structured pre-court dunning process and can assist with mandating law firms for court procedures.
    Our platform provides customized reports on positions, performance, risk, payment, and overdue status, tailored for each receivable investment or defined portfolio.

    Schedule a demo

    Learn more about joining WALBING Marketplace as invetsor.
    Reach out for a consultation today:

    Joerg Hoerster, CEO at WALBING

    Joerg Hoerster


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    Fill in the form below to learn more about WALBING’s liquidity and payment solutions. Our Sales team will be in touch to answer all your questions.

    Talk to our Team!

    Fill in the form below to learn more about WALBING’s liquidity and payment solutions. Our Customer Success team will be in touch to answer all your questions.

    Ihre angeforderte Broschüre: “WALBING Cash – Ihre moderne Factoring-Alternative”

    Erfahren Sie mehr über die Konditionen von WALBING Cash - die digitale Forderungsfinanzierung von WALBING

    Ihre angeforderte Broschüre: “WALBING Cash – Ihre moderne Factoring-Alternative”

    Your requested brochure “WALBING Cash – Your Modern Choice over Factoring”

    Learn more about WALBING Cash - digital receivable financing by WALBING

    Your requested brochure “WALBING Cash – Your Modern Choice over Factoring”

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    Füllen Sie das Formular aus, um mehr über WALBINGs Liquiditäts- und Zahlungsprodukte sowie unsere Embedded-Finance-Lösungen zu erfahren. Unser Sales-Team wird sich mit Ihnen umgehend in Verbindung setzen, um alle Ihre Fragen zu beantworten.